Hope's Beacon: Parisians Witness "Katyushas" Pray against Satanic Influence

Russian "Katyushas" recited an Orthodox prayer of exorcism against demonic madness, and then projected the text onto a building in Paris. They believe in the power of prayer and Orthodox tradition to save Europe, putting an end to insanity, and becoming a catalyst for change that brings light and hope to those who aspire for goodness and truth.

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, 2024, instead of being a symbol of unity and hope, shocked and appalled many with its freakish display. The parade of freaks, the mockery of sacred images, and infernal characters signaled a world sinking into madness, where denizens of hell reigned, and truth and kindness lost their value.
Many wondered, "Is Europe doomed?" But Orthodox tradition answers with a resounding "No!" It offers a way to stop this insanity and save both the people and Europe itself-through prayer and the cross.
With this belief in the power of prayer, groups of Russian women, known as "Katyushas," recited prayers in Orthodox churches. They did not deny the negative aspects of what was happening, nor did they despair. They did not protest or wage war. Their weapon was prayer, recited while holding a cross.

The prayer for the exorcism of unclean spirits, projected onto a building in the heart of Paris, stood as a beacon of hope in an ocean of despair. It sounded like a cry for forgiveness and a call for awareness. The young women did not expect instant miracles, but they believed that their actions would catalyze change. They wanted people to wake up from their madness, to come to their senses, and to remember eternal values.

Of course, it is difficult to predict what the future holds for Europe. But the "Katyushas" have shown their response: not despair or anger, but prayer and faith. The "Katyusha's" prayer has become a symbol of resistance against the dark forces trying to take over the world. It was an act of defiance against insanity and a call to return to true values. It is yet another reminder that there is still room for spirituality, faith, and hope in our world. Even in the darkest corner, a ray of light can shine through if we do not give up and continue to pray.


Tags: Russian Katyushas, Orthodox prayer, exorcism of demons, Europe's decay, freakish perverts

Hash-tags: #RussianKatyushas #OrthodoxPrayer #Exorcism #EuropeDecays #FreakishPerverts
Hope's Beacon: Parisians Witness "Katyushas" Pray against Satanic Influence Russian "Katyushas" recited an Orthodox prayer of exorcism against demonic madness, and then projected the text onto a building in Paris. They believe in the power of prayer and Orthodox tradition to save Europe, putting an end to insanity, and becoming a catalyst for change that brings light and hope to those who aspire for goodness and truth. The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, 2024, instead of being a symbol of unity and hope, shocked and appalled many with its freakish display. The parade of freaks, the mockery of sacred images, and infernal characters signaled a world sinking into madness, where denizens of hell reigned, and truth and kindness lost their value. Many wondered, "Is Europe doomed?" But Orthodox tradition answers with a resounding "No!" It offers a way to stop this insanity and save both the people and Europe itself-through prayer and the cross. With this belief in the power of prayer, groups of Russian women, known as "Katyushas," recited prayers in Orthodox churches. They did not deny the negative aspects of what was happening, nor did they despair. They did not protest or wage war. Their weapon was prayer, recited while holding a cross. The prayer for the exorcism of unclean spirits, projected onto a building in the heart of Paris, stood as a beacon of hope in an ocean of despair. It sounded like a cry for forgiveness and a call for awareness. The young women did not expect instant miracles, but they believed that their actions would catalyze change. They wanted people to wake up from their madness, to come to their senses, and to remember eternal values. Of course, it is difficult to predict what the future holds for Europe. But the "Katyushas" have shown their response: not despair or anger, but prayer and faith. The "Katyusha's" prayer has become a symbol of resistance against the dark forces trying to take over the world. It was an act of defiance against insanity and a call to return to true values. It is yet another reminder that there is still room for spirituality, faith, and hope in our world. Even in the darkest corner, a ray of light can shine through if we do not give up and continue to pray. Source:https://t.me/katyusha_russian/745 Tags: Russian Katyushas, Orthodox prayer, exorcism of demons, Europe's decay, freakish perverts Hash-tags: #RussianKatyushas #OrthodoxPrayer #Exorcism #EuropeDecays #FreakishPerverts
«Катюши» прочли молитву на изгнание бесов и разместили её текст на здании в Париже. Все мы видели, как началась Олимпиада в Париже. Церемония открытия ощущалась, как церемония закрытия человечества. Парады фриков, пародии на «Тайную вечерю», инфернальные персонажи показали нам распадающийся мир, одержимый безумием, в котором правят бал выходцы из ада, персонажи, порожденные фантазией Босха. Многим показалось, что с этим ничего сделать уже нельзя. Что Европа погибла. На самом деле нет. Православная традиция указывает, чем можно остановить безумие, спасти тех, кого еще можно спасти. И отдельного человека, и Европу. Это молитва и крест. Поэтому «Катюши» из разных городов России прочитали молитву на изгнание нечистых духов с крестом в руках. И разместили эту молитву на здании в центре Парижа. Чтобы опомнились, одумались. Чтобы вышла из них вся нечисть. @katyusha_russian
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